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Wholeland Wholeland provides unique 'wholistic' education, outdoor play, storytelling, therapy and training for the whole 'family' in the hope that we may once again see ourselves as part of nature and live in a way that suits the greater good of all life on Earth, for present and future generations.
Jade's Cauldron Wiccan courses, online and in Essex. Handmade pagan accessories. Various workshops and events run by Jade Wolf.
Whispering Woods devoted to the serious study of Wicca and other Pagan related religions...over 600 pages of information for the intermediate to advanced pagan. Maintained by a 4th. generation witch whom currently serves as the H.P. of Whispering Woods coven.
The Museum of Witchcraft The famous witchcraft museum in Boscastle, Cornwall. UK
Forest Education Initiative providing teachers with learning resources on trees, forests and forestry products


Ray Mears - Woodlore Woodlore, School of Wilderness Bushcraft website with Ray Mears
Woodland Survival Crafts Courses in Bushcraft and Ancient Survival Skills, including specialized classes in edible plants, fire-by-friction, and winter survival skills.
Dryad Bushcraft Dedicated to promoting understanding of our natural environment through the pursuit of primitive survival skills and wilderness adventure.
Bushcraft UK A resource for anyone interested in the skills and knowledge needed to get more from the great outdoors.
Wilderness Gathering An annual event which aims to bring together people who enjoy bushcraft.
Woodcraft School Providers of high quality outdoor education covering all aspects of bushcraft and nature awareness.
Woodsmoke The Art of Survival - Survival courses teaching wilderness bushcraft and survival skills in the English Lake District.
Bearclaw Bushcraft A range of Bushcraft courses with (UK and Sweden)
Survival School Survival and bushcraft courses in the UK.
Islay Birding Birdwatching Tours on Islay, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, Wilderness walks and Bushcraft courses.
Prairie Wolf Primitive Wilderness Living and Outdoor Survival Skills
Shadowhawk Tracker School ShadowHawk was established by internationaly renowned tracker Ian "Max" Maxwell in response to the demand for professional training and provision of trackers.

Environmental, Animal & Human Rights Organisations, Charities & Info

ivy Spiritual and Environmental website covering subjects relating to spirituality, earth mysteries and environmental conservation, also spiritual directory with links to websites
RACPA UK Rock Against Child Pornography and Abuse (UK) : Together we WILL break the silence, and make a difference for the children of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
The Woodland Trust The Woodland Trust is the UK's leading conservation charity dedicated to the protection of our native woodland heritage.
Dragon Environmental Network Dragon Environmental Network: Eco-magic - A heady mix of Paganism and Environmentalism... Dragon links environmental action with magical practice, drawing from many magical traditions - everyone is welcome.
Earthday Network Earth Day Network (EDN) is the worldwide coordinating body for Earth Day events, campaigns, and activities. Also home of the Ecological Footprint Quiz - measure your impact on the Earth's resources.
The Nature Conservancy Saving the last great places on Earth
GreenPeace Greenpeace International
Amnesty International Working to protect human rights worldwide
GreenNet dedicated to supporting and promoting groups and individuals working for peace, human rights and the environment
IFAW International Fund for Animal Welfare
The Bat Conservation Trust Campaigning nationally, locally and internationally for bat conservation
International Wolf Centre The International Wolf Center advances the survival of wolf populations by teaching about wolves, their relationship to wild lands and the human role in their future.
Barnowl conservation of the Barn Owl & other species of Owl through environmental projects, research, studies & other such activities...
British Trees This site contains a wealth of reference material for all those interested in native british trees. So whether your interest is in conservation or forestry feel free to dip in!
The Wildlife Trusts Our network of 47 local Wildlife Trusts and our junior branch, Wildlife Watch, work together to protect wildlife in all habitats across the UK in towns, countryside, wetlands and seas.
Animal Aid Animal Aid campaigns peacefully against all animal abuse, and promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle. Animal Aid is the UK's largest animal rights group and one of the oldest in the world.
PAAN Pagans Against Animal Neglect
Friends of the Earth Friends of the Earth inspires solutions to environmental problems...
RSPCA The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
WWF World Wildlife Fund
CAT Centre for Alternative Technology - CAT aims to 'inspire, inform, and enable' people to live more sustainably. A solutions driven organisation, offering practical solutions to environmental problems...
Low Impact Living Initiative A non-profit organisation dedicated to helping protect the global environment by promoting sustainable alternatives to various aspects of everyday life.
PDSA For pets in need of vets....Britain's leading veterinary charity
VegSource Vegetarian & Vegan recipes, articles and more...
VegWeb Vegetarian recipes and more...
Vegetarian Society The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom
EnviroLink a non-profit organization which has been providing access to thousands of online environmental resources since 1991.
The Scottish Wildlife Trust The Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) is a leading voluntary conservation organisation, working to protect Scotland's natural environment and wildlife.
Durrell Wildlife Conservaiton Trust Durrell Wildlife’s mission is saving species from extinction. 
Dogs Trust The UK's largest dog welfare charity
RSPB The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Wood Green Animal Shelters Wood Green Animal Shelters
Blue Cross Britain's Pet Charity
Brooke Hospital for Animals Brooke Hospital for Animals
FRAME Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
The British Deer Society The British Deer Society is a charity promoting conservation through a programme of education, research, deer management training and the Society journal “Deer”.
MCS Marine Conservation Society
World Land Trust World Land Trust
SETI Institute The mission of the SETI Institute is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe.
People and Planet provides a global gateway to the greatest issue of our time: the future health and wellbeing of the human family as it presses ever more heavily on the natural resources of our planet...
Recycle Now tips and info on recycling - with reviews of recycled products.
Earth Share A nationwide network of the most respected environmental and conservation organizations. Offers a simple way to care for our health, water, air, land and wildlife..
Habitat Daily wildlife & environment news from the British Isles
World Land Trust Wildlife Conservation Charity Working to Protect Rainforests and Wilderness Worldwide..
Tiggywinkles Caring for sick & injured hedgehogs, badgers, wild birds, foxes, even reptiles & amphibians
Take Some Action An organisation dedicated to the preservation and conservation of our Worlds wildlife.

Nature & Wildlife Related Sites

ivy WildAboutYew Up and coming blog about forestation and wildlife worldwide
ivy Backyard Beekeeping Learn Backyard Beekeeping Like a Pro with Ultimate Beekeeping!
ivy The Barefoot Beekeeper Chemical-free, organic beekeeping using top bar hives: a minimalist approach to beekeeping without synthetic chemical inputs, expensive equipment or wax foundation.
Gardens for Wildlife Biodiversity Begins at Home...
Natural Beekeeping Network Low-cost, low-impact, sustainable beekeeping for everyone
Solitary Bees All about solitary bees in your garden - miners, masons, white-faced, wool carders and more
Wild Guide UK High quality photographs of insects including Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera. The pictures are displayed in such a way that they can be compared and used for identification.
British Wildlife Helpine Advice and information about British wild animals and birds.
The Trees & Shrubs Website A key for identifying trees and shrubs.
Space for Nature Space For Nature is for people who are interested in gardening and garden wildlife.
Northern Ireland Fungus Group A voluntary organisation whose aim is to promote the conservation of and interest in Fungi in Northern Ireland.
Habitat Daily wildlife & environment news from the British Isles
Woodland Wildflowers Project The aim of The Woodland Wildflowers Project is to develop an effective strategy for the introduction of appropriate wildflowers into our woodlands, and involve as many local people with projects in the enhancement and care of local woodlands.
BBC Science & Nature The best of BBC Science and Nature, from TV and radio, to the web and beyond. Take a tour from the smallest atoms, to the largest whales and the most ferocious dinosaurs. Travel from the bottom of the ocean to the furthest stars.
Wildlife Post Environmental World News The British Countryside at Your Fingertips


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