pale leaf Gaia's Garden leaves


Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis

A perennial, almost evergreen shrub growing up to 60cms high, with a woody stem and small, lance-shaped leaves and purplish-blue flowers.

Belonging to the mint family, Hyssop is a bitter digestive herb which can help clear flatulence, ease digestion. It is a mild painkiller and also has some anti-viral properties, most notably against the Herpes simplex virus which is responsible for cold sores.

A diaphoretic, soothing, and sedative herb often used in coughs and cold remedies, and can be added to baths or steam inhalations to treat bronchitis, tonsilitis, sore throats and coughs - it helps expel excess mucus and is useful for encouraging perspiration in fevers. Add a few drops of Hyssop oil to chest rubs to treat asthma and bronchitis, or add to a bath to treat coughs and chest problems and let its sedating properties make for a more restful night. The oil can be used in treating bruises, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, and inflammations, and is effective for cases of anxiety, nervous tension, stress related conditions and fatigue.

Hyssop is also used extensively as a flavouring ingredient in sauces, seasoning, and alcoholic drinks - notably liqueurs, such as chartreuse.

Traditionally used as a strewing herb and for purifying sacred places.

! Essential oil should be used only in moderation and avoided in pregnancy and by epileptics !


pale leaves

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